1 Nephi 7: Lehi's sons return to Jerusalem and invite Ishmael and his household to join them in their journey, Laman and others rebel, Nephi exhorts his brethren to have faith in the Lord, They bind him with cords and plan his destruction, He is freed by the power of faith, His brethren ask forgiveness, Lehi and his company offer sacrifice and burnt offerings, About 600-592 B.C.


1 Nephi 7
Lehi's sons return to Jerusalem and invite Ishmael and his household to join them in their journey, Laman and others rebe, Nephi exhorts his brethren to have faith in the Lord, They bind him with cords and plan his destruction, He is freed by the power of faith, His brethren ask forgiveness, Lehi and his company offer sacrifice and burnt offerings. About 600-592 B.C.

The sons and daughters of Lehi and Ishmael would marry and rear children "unto the Lord in the land of promise" (1 Nephi 7:1). Righteous families are an integral part of the Lord's divine purposes. The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles proclaimed that "marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children. . . . 

Boyd K. Packer:
"Our destiny is so established that man can only find complete fulfillment and fill the divine purpose for his creation with a woman to whom he is legally and lawfully married. The union of man and woman begets babies that are conceived and cross that frail footpath into mortality.
"This divine pattern was planned and the gospel designed from 'before the world was' (D&C 49:17). The plan provides for us to come to the world into a mortal body. It is 'the great plan of happiness' (Alma 42:8). We did not design it. If we follow the pattern, happiness and joy will follow" (Children of God, BYU Women's Conference, May 5, 2006, 5-6).

1 Nephi 7:1-5
The Lord commands Nephi to return to Jerusalem for Ishmael and his family

1 - Lehi's sons should take daughters to wife, that they might raise up seed unto the Lord in the land of promise. 


*How is the account in 1 Nephi 7:3-5 an example of the truth in 1 Nephi 3:7? 
A - The Lord prepared a way for Nephi and his brothers to obey the command to marry and have children. 
1 Nephi 7:6-15
Faced with the rebellion of Laman and Lemuel, Nephi testifies of the Lord's power to lead them to the land of promise.

Read verses 6-7.
* Why did Laman, Lemuel, and some of Ishmael's children rebel during their journey in the wilderness?
A - They wanted to return to Jerusalem.

Verses 8-12
* What truths did Nephi share as he asked questions of Laman and Lemuel?
 A - He reminded his brothers of the blessings they had already received from the Lord and of the Lord's ability to continue blessing them according to their faith.

Nephi 7:16-22
After Nephi reminded Laman and Lemuel of the destruction that would come to those in Jerusalem, they became angry with him. They bind him with cords and are going to leave him in the wilderness to be devoured by wild beasts. Nephi prayed for help. 

Nephi's prayer vs. 17-18
17 O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt thou deliver me from the hands of my brethren; yea, even give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound.
18 And it came to pass that when I had said these words, behold, the bands were loosed from off my hands and feet, and I stood before my brethren, and I spake unto them again.

*Nephi asked to be delivered according to his faith.
*He asked God for deliverance from his brothers and to strengthen him so he could take care of the problem.

When we pray in faith we pray with trust in the Lord and with a willingness to act.

Nephi did not pray for his circumstances to change, rather he prayed for the strength to change his circumstances. -DAB

God answers prayers according to our faith.

Gene R. Cook - "
It is faith in Christ that will deliver us from our own bonds; it is increasing our faith in Christ that will give us added power in prayer."

Nephi is delivered of the Lord.

?When have I prayed in faith and received strength or help from the Lord, either immediately or after some time?

Nephi is delivered from his bonds and his brothers try to attack him again. (vs. 19-20)

?Who convinced Laman and Lemuel to stop trying to kill Nephi?
A-A daughter of Ismael and her mother, and a son of Ishmael.

Our prayers are often answered and our needs often met through the faithful acts of others.

How did Nephi respond to his brothers?
21 - And I did frankly forgive them. (Frankly means honestly and directly)


?Why is forgiveness especially important in our families?

The Lord commanded Nephi and his brothers to marry and have families and the Lord requires the same today.
The Lord answers our prayers and gives us strength to overcome our difficulties according to our faith in Him.

Consider how to apply one of these principles to help your family.


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