1 Nephi 8: Lehi sees a vision of the tree of life, he partakes of its fruit & desires his family to do likewise, he sees a rod of iron, a strait and narrow path, & the mists of darkness that enshroud men, Sariah, Nephi & Sam partake of the fruit, but Laman and Lemuel refuse. 600-592 B.C.

1 Nephi 8

1-18 Lehi experiences a vision in which he partakes of the fruit of the tree of life and invites his family to do the same.

* What objects were the focus of Lehi's vision? (The tree of life and its fruit). 
* What words and phrases did Lehi use to describe the fruit? ( See 1 Nephi 8:8-11)
- 10 fruit was desirable to make one happy
- 11 the fruit was most sweet, above all Lehi had ever tasted, and white to exceed all the whiteness that he had ever seen.

The Lord often uses familiar objects as symbols to help us understand eternal truths. 

Listen to the following statement by Elder Neal A. Maxwell and identify what the tree and the fruit symbolize:
"The tree of life . . . is the love of God (see 1 Nephi 11:25). The love of God for His children is most profoundly expressed in His gift of Jesus as our Redeemer: 'God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son' (John 3:16). To partake of the love of God is to partake of Jesus' Atonement and the emancipations and joys which it can bring."

* According to Elder Maxwell, the tree of life represents the love of God shown to us especially through what gift? 
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ which is the greatest expression of God's love for His children. When people in Lehi's vision partook of the fruit of the tree of life, it meant that they wer e partaking of the blessings of the Atonement.)

*Emancipation means liberation or freedom. How does the Atonement of Jesus Christ free us from bondage and bring us joy?

* What feelings did Lehi experience after partaking of the fruit?
* How can we "partake" of the Atonement? (Through the process of repentance.)
* Why does partaking of the Atonement fill our souls with "exceedingly great joy"? (Because we know that we can be forgiven of our sins.)
Coming unto Jesus Christ and partaking of the Atonement brings happiness and joy.

Symbol from Lehi's Dream (1 Nephi 8)   Interpretation Given to Nephi (1 Nephi 11-12)
The tree with white fruit (v10-11)                         The love of God, which He showed by giving His Son
                                                     to be our Savior (see 11:21-25; called "the tree of life"
                                                                                in 15:22)
The river of filthy water (see v. 13; 12:16)             The depths of hell into which the wicked fall (12:16;
                                                                                 called "filthiness" in 15:27)
The rod of iron (see v. 19)                                       The word of God, which leads to the tree of life (see                                                                                   11:25)
The mist of darkness (see v.23)                               The temptations of the devil, which blind people so
                                                                                 they lose their way & cannot find the tree (12:17)
The great & spacious building in the air (v.26)        The pride and vain imaginations of the world (11:36;
People who start on the path to the tree but are        Nephi saw the following kinds of people in the
lost in the mist (vv.21-23)                                          dream:
                                                                                    *Multitudes who heard Jesus but "cast him out"                                                                                            (11:28)
                                                                                    *People who crucified Jesus even after He healed                                                                                          the sick and cast out devils (11:31-33)
                                                                                    *Multitudes who gathered together in a large and 
                                                                                      spacious building to fight against the Twelve
                                                                                      Apostles of the Lamb (11:34-36)
                                                                                    *Nephites and Lamanites who were gathered                                                                                                together to battle & were slaughtered in war
                                                                                      (12:1-4, 13-15)
                                                                                    *Nephites who, because of pride, were destroyed                                                                                          by the Lamanites & dwindled in unbelief (12:19-                                                                                        23)
People who held onto the rod and partook of             Those who partake of the greatest of all of God's
the fruit; they ignored the mockers & did not             gifts - eternal life (see 15:36)
fall away (see vv. 30,33)

"You may think that Lehi's dream or vision has no special meaning for you, but it does. You are in it, all of us are in it....
"Lehi's dream or vision . . . has in it everything a Latter-day Saint needs to understand the test of life." - President Boyd K. Packer

As you study the vision look for people in the vision who might represent you. No matter where you are in the vision, we each have the power and ability to choose to qualify for the blessings of the Atonement.

Elder Jeffrey r. Holland taught that the tree of life represents the Savior and His Atonement: "The Spirit made explicit that the Tree of Life and its precious fruit are symbols of Christ's redemption" (Christ and the New Covenant: The Messianic Message of the Book of Mormon, 160).

Elder Neal A. Maxwell further emphasized that partaking of the love of God means partaking of the blessings of the Atonement. The tree of life is a symbol of God's love and Christ's Atonement: "The tree of life . . . is the love of God (see 1 Nephi 11:25). The love of God for His children is most profoundly expressed in His gift of Jesus as our Redeemer: 'God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son' (John 3:16). To partake of the love of God is to partake of Jesus' Atonement and the emancipations and joys which it can bring" (GC, Oct. 1999).

Pride, worldliness, and submitting to temptations can keep us from receiving the blessings of the Atonement.

If we hold fast to the word of God, it will help us overcome temptation and worldly influences.

Holding fast to the word of God helps us grow closer to the Lord and receive the blessings of the Atonement.



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