1 Nephi 6: Nephi writes of the things of God - Nephi's purpose is to persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham and be saved. About 600-592 B.C.
1 Nephi 6 Nephi writes of the things of God, Nephi's purpose is to persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham and be saved. About 600-592 B.C. Nephi writes to persuade all to come unto Jesus Christ, and be saved. ONE PURPOSE OF THE BOOK OF MORMON IS TO PERSUADE ALL PEOPLE TO COME UNTO JESUS CHRIST. President Ezra Taft Benson: The Book of Mormon brings men to Christ....It tells in a plain manner of Christ and His gospel. It testifies of His divinity and of the necessity for a Redeemer and the need of our putting trust in Him. It bears witness of the Fal and the Atonement and the first principles of the gospel, including our need of a broken heart and a contrite spirit and a spiritual rebirth. It proclaims we must endure to the end in righteousness and live the moral life of a Saint" ("We Add Our Witness," Ensign, Mar. 1989, 5). President Benson explained that the phrase "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob," refers to the Savior: ...